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[MMDetection] Config File Structure

Config Name Style

We follow the below style to name config files. Contributors are advised to follow the same style.

{model}_[model setting]_{backbone}_{neck}_[norm setting]_[misc]_[gpu x batch_per_gpu]_{schedule}_{dataset}




{xxx} is required field and [yyy] is optional.

  • {model}: model type like faster_rcnn, mask_rcnn, etc.
  • [model setting]: specific setting for some model, like without_semantic for htc, moment for reppoints, etc.
  • {backbone}: backbone type like r50 (ResNet-50), x101 (ResNeXt-101).
  • {neck}: neck type like fpn, pafpn, nasfpn, c4.
  • [norm_setting]: bn (Batch Normalization) is used unless specified, other norm layer type could be gn (Group Normalization), syncbn (Synchronized Batch Normalization). gn-head/gn-neck indicates GN is applied in head/neck only, while gn-all means GN is applied in the entire model, e.g. backbone, neck, head.
  • [misc]: miscellaneous setting/plugins of model, e.g. dconv, gcb, attention, albu, mstrain.
  • [gpu x batch_per_gpu]: GPUs and samples per GPU, 8x2 is used by default.
  • {schedule}: training schedule, options are 1x, 2x, 20e, etc. 1x and 2x means 12 epochs and 24 epochs respectively. 20e is adopted in cascade models, which denotes 20 epochs. For 1x/2x, initial learning rate decays by a factor of 10 at the 8/16th and 11/22th epochs. For 20e, initial learning rate decays by a factor of 10 at the 16th and 19th epochs.
  • {dataset}: dataset like coco, cityscapes, voc_0712, wider_face.





Tutorial 1: Learn about Configs — MMDetection 2.19.1 documentation

Tutorial 1: Learn about Configs We incorporate modular and inheritance design into our config system, which is convenient to conduct various experiments. If you wish to inspect the config file, you may run python tools/misc/print_config.py /PATH/TO/CONFIG



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