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Memory bound vs Compute bound


I/O Bound vs CPU Bound Process

I/O bound Process : 연산보다, I/O 에 더 시간이 들어가는 프로세스다. CPU burst 가 작다.
CPU bound Process : 연산에 주로 시간이 들어가는 프로세스다. CPU burst 가 크다./ compute bound



빽 투더 기본기 [OS 1편]. 프로세스

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Memory-bound function

Memory bound refers to a situation in which the time to complete a given computational problem is decided primarily by the amount of memory required to hold the working data.


계산 문제를 해결하는데 걸리는 시간이 메모리의 양에 의해 결정된다. 메모리의 양은 계산에 필요한 데이터들을 수용할 수 있어야 한다.

Memory bound refers to a general case where a code is limited by memory access, ie. it includes codes that are latency bound and codes that are bandwidth bound. 


  • Bandwidth bound kernels approach the physical limits of the device in terms of access to global memory. E.g. an application uses 170GB/s out of 177GB/s on an M2090 device.


Compute-bound function

This is in contrast to algorithms that are compute-bound, where the number of elementary computation steps is the deciding factor.(CPU bound)

계산 단계의 개수가 계산 문제를 해결하는데 걸리는 시간을 결정한다.

A compute bound kernel is one in which computation dominates the kernel time, under the assumption that there is no problem feeding the kernel with memory, and there is good overlap of arithmetic and latency.



Memory and computation boundaries can sometimes be traded against each other, e.g. by saving and reusing preliminary results or using lookup tables.




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